Tips for Truck Driving Success

A career in truck driving can be rewarding, satisfying, and well-paid! It helps to get a great start, and to keep your eyes on the road ahead.

As you begin your career as a truck driver, here are a few tips to help you succeed.

Tip 1. Work with a reputable carrier

Once you earn your CDL, you’ll be in demand. You may be tempted to take the first job that comes along, and maybe that will be the best opportunity for you! But before you take any truck driving job, make sure that your future employer offers:

  • Competitive wages per mile
  • Plenty of miles for you to drive, so you earn a good income
  • Ample home time
  • State-of-the art equipment that’s safe, reliable, and well maintained
  • Respect and support for you and your fellow drivers

Tip 2. If possible, work with a carrier that offers tuition reimbursement

Many trucking companies help new drivers to pay for some or all of their CDL loan. This is a fantastic benefit that helps you to keep more of your paycheck in your wallet!

Different carriers have different reimbursement programs. Be sure to talk to your current or future employer about tuition reimbursement to learn if they offer this benefit, and how it works.

And remember, Liberty Career Finance partners with leading trucking companies across the U.S. to help our customers find great jobs, and many of these firms offer tuition reimbursement to their drivers!

Tip 3. Make your CDL student loan payments on time every month

A good credit history is important to financial success. When you make your loan payment on time, Liberty reports that information to the credit bureau. Other lenders, like banks and credit card companies, look at your credit history before extending credit. Sometimes apartment complexes and employers do as well!

They look because they want to see if you are a good risk—somebody who is responsible and repays their debts.

So, when you make your CDL loan payment on time, you’re helping yourself to buy a future car, get a credit card, rent an apartment, even buy a house or get a job.  Remember, credit history stays on your file for at least seven years. It really is that important!

To make a payment on your loan or talk to a Liberty representative about any problems you’re having making payments, contact us today. We’re here for you!